All the nuances of abolition of expulsion from Russia with the help of experienced lawyers

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Abolition of expulsion from Russia

Assistance in the abolition of administrative expulsion

  • Working experience since 2009
  • Narrow specialization
  • Reasonable prices
  • Payment for the result of our work
  • No hidden fees or surcharges
  • The possibility of payment by installments
  • Work experience throughout Russia
  • Our lawyers win in the Supreme Court


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Our service include:

Cancellation of the expulsion

Cancellation of the expulsion

The expulsion of a foreign citizen from the state - is a sanction that is needed and in some cases can be revoked. It is important to choose a specialized lawyer and seek professional legal assistance as quickly as possible in order not to miss the deadlines for appeal.

If you are in a difficult legal situation and you understand that the abolition of expulsion is your only chance to stay in Russia, just call us!

We have been protecting the interests of foreign citizens since 2009 and we do know how to effectively challenge and repeal administrative expulsion.

Migration Lawyer will do whatever it takes to protect your rights.


Expulsion from Russia

As soon as a foreign citizen crosses the border of Russia, he is obliged to observe the rules of behavior prescribed by law, rules of accounting, registration, movement and work activities. There are a lot of rules - they concern the terms and procedure for staying in Russia, the procedure for choosing a place of work and profession, the procedure for issuing and renewing documents.

If they are violated, foreigners face strict liability, one of the measures of which is administrative expulsion from the country. What is the expulsion order, how does the expulsion going on and what can be done to cancel it and appeal it: more on this later.


Expulsion: the concept and goals

Expulsion from Russia is a type of administrative punishment and one of the methods that the state uses to prevent offences in the field of migration.

When a foreign citizen does not fulfil the requirements of the laws, he may be subject to expulsion with a fine or just a fine: the punishment is alternative, and his choice depends on a number of factors. With a minor offence committed for the first time, the court may limit the appointment of a fine. But increasingly, the courts resort to the expulsion of foreigners, even in cases where their close relatives live lawfully in Russia.

Cancellation of expulsion is the only way to help you to stay in the Russian Federation and not to get a ban on entry in the future.

The expulsion process is being implemented both in a compulsory and “voluntary” manner.


Reasons for expulsion

Usually, the reason for the use of punishment in the form of expulsion is a violation by a foreigner of immigration rules - the established standards for entering the country, residence and work in Russia. A list of typical grounds for expulsion is as follows:


  • The lack of health insurance;
  • skipping deadlines or ignoring the need to make a migration registration;
  • the absence or failure to take measures to extend the registration;
  • employment without a patent, obtaining income illegally;
  • the lack of notification of residence when obtaining a permanent residence permit or a temporary residence permit;
  • falsification of documents or submission of false data;
  • violation of terms of stay and otherwise.


But expulsion as a measure of punishment can also be assigned for non-migration violations:

violation of safety rules at stadiums (Art. 20.31 of the Code of Administrative Offences)

illicit trafficking in illicit drugs (part 2 of article 6.8 of the Code of Administrative Offences)


What does expulsion entail?

The main and most unpleasant consequence is the ban on entry into Russia, which lasts for 5 years from the date of expulsion from the country. The ban necessarily accompanies the expulsion procedure, the corresponding notification to the foreigner is handed over by the officers of the Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, bailiffs or border control officers. Restricting entry naturally entails the invalidity of all permits, which a person has already managed to receive in Russia, from a patent to a residence permit.

In other words, if you do not promptly take measures to begin the procedure of the abolition of expulsion, you can forget about Russia and close people who have been living here for the last 5 years.

In addition, expulsion from Russia entails the impossibility of obtaining a temporary residence permit,  a permanent residence permit or citizenship. Neither in a year, nor in 20 years. The ban on issuing a temporary residence permit,  a permanent residence permit and citizenship is lifelong.


How to cancel administrative expulsion?

Initially, with all efforts you should try to avoid expulsion as a measure of punishment when the court makes a decision. It is much easier to achieve this if you use professional legal assistance. The chances of limiting the fine are great for those who:

  • Violates the law for the first time and and the violation is minor;
  • A foreigner has close relatives living in the Russian Federation - a spouse and children;
  • Officially employed on a permanent basis;
  • A foreigner is a student at the university;
  • A foreigner has real estate and other property in Russia.

The judge will take into account the personal characteristics of a foreign citizen when making a decision. However, if the decision on the appointment of expulsion from Russia is made, then you must act!

The grounds for cancellation of expulsion may be:

  • Significant violations in the preparation of the protocol made by the authorized bodies (the Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affair);
  • Procedural violations in the implementation of the procedure for bringing to justice.

If the order of the administrative proceedings was violated or was incorrectly executed, this may entail the abolition of expulsion. It is necessary to thoroughly study the methods and evidence of guilt, the presence of a corpus delicti, the presence of a translator when drawing up a protocol, a reflection of all significant facts of an offense (time, place, circumstances), mistakes, slips of the pen, the presence of procedural documents. A competent and experienced specialist will be able to find and identify inconsistencies with the law.


The nuances of contesting expulsion

In order to abolish administrative expulsion, it is necessary to timely draw up and file an appeal against a court ruling. In this case the act will not enter into legal force, and the process of expulsion will be suspended, but we recall that only 10 days are given to the appeal.

A foreign citizen himself or his authorized representative, a lawyer, can file a complaint of expulsion. The procedural status of a representative allows not only to draw up and send a document, but also to speak in court to protect interests, collect information and evidence, get acquainted with the materials of the investigation and file petitions. It is possible to remove the threat of expulsion and a ban on entry if there are compelling reasons, in this case you need to convince the higher court that the decision was illegally or unreasonably and should be canceled.

If the ten-day appeal is missed, the act can be challenged in the supervisory authority, but the decision will already come into force!

Even if a person is expelled from Russia, the representative will be able to protect the interests remotely. There is a way that allows you to restore the time limits for the appeal. This is possible if the violation of the term had a weighty and respectful basis, for example, non-delivery of the decision.


The procedure for consideration complaints about expulsion

The court examines the grounds indicated by the applicant, checks whether all procedural peculiarities were respected when bringing to justice, whether the act was correctly qualified, whether all the circumstances of the case, including mitigating factors, were taken into account.

As a result of the analysis of all the submitted data, the court may:

  1. Retain the previous decision in force. In this case, the possibility of its further appeal in the order of supervision remains. Sometimes the expulsion is canceled and replaced with another punishment - a fine.
  2. Cancellation of the adopted act and terminate the proceedings. This happens if the fault is not proven, if there are factors precluding prosecution, or gross procedural violations are committed.
  3. The decision is canceled, but is also sent for reconsideration. In this case, the higher authority indicates to the subordinate what violations were committed during the issuance of the ruling. Usually, when considering a new consideration, the defendant’s chances are great.


What are the differences between expulsion and deportation?

Expulsion from Russia is often called deportation, but this is not true. Expulsion is possible only by a court decision, which makes the appropriate decision on sentencing. Sometimes expulsion is carried out on the basis of a decision adopted by the border control authorities.

The main difference from deportation is that expulsion is a compulsory measure of action and administrative punishment, and deportation is the direct process of expulsion of a foreign citizen from the Russian Federation, whose continued stay in the state represents a potential threat to legitimate interests.


Features of the expulsion procedure

When a foreigner is forcibly expelled, as a rule the decision is executed by bailiffs, guided by the relevant decision. The person is forwarded to the vehicle traveling to his homeland, the accompanying person controls the landing. Until the expulsion, the alien is kept in a special place in the temporary detention center.

Foreigners are not always expelled forcibly, but more often using a “voluntary”, or rather, an independent order. The choice is made by the court. With a milder method of expulsion, a person is independently obliged to leave Russia within the time allotted for this. This procedure applies:

  • If there is no reason to suspect a possible evasion form the expulsion;
  • The violation happened for the first time;
  • Further unlawful behavior is not expected from the citizen

The expulsion is made after the entry of the court decision into legal force, which occurs within 10 days from the date of delivery of the act, if it is not appealed to a higher authority.

If a complaint is filed, further expulsion (or its cancellation) depends on the outcome of the consideration of the complaint. At this stage that it is utterly important to take all the necessary measures to cancel the decision on expulsion from Russia.


Why is it worth using a lawyer when canceling expulsion?

The abolition of expulsion from Russia is a complex legal procedure in which it is impossible to navigate without sufficient knowledge of Russian legislation. Lawyers and attourneys undergo special training, pass a qualifying exam, which confirms the high level of practical and theoretical knowledge.

In addition, lawyers that specialise in cases of expulsion, deportation, a ban on entry know all the nuances of the proceedings in such cases.

A professional advocate when evaluating all the circumstances of the case will tell you what kind of strategy of behavior is preferable, how to minimize the consequences of the violation, what tools to use in defense of legitimate interests.

Without a professional lawyer in immigration cases, the appeal and the abolition of expulsion from Russia is very unlikely.

Examples of situations

Examples of situations

The loss of the old insurance - expulsion

A young man came to Russia. At the entrance he issued an insurance policy for a month. After a couple of weeks he decided to issue a patent and an insurance policy for a year. The old insurance is either lost or thrown out. Officers of the Border Service of the Russian Federation revealed the absence of old insurance, they delivered the person to court and demanded his expulsion. The expulsion was appointed. And we managed to cancel it.

Not filling a notice on a temporary residence permit - expulsion

A young man, a citizen of the European Union, living in Russia with a temporary residence permit missed the deadlines for filing a notice on a temporary residence permit. All his merits - real estate in Russia, 2 higher educations, work in a managerial position in a large German company - were left without attention. His lawyer lost the appeal. In the cassation, we achieved the desired result and canceled the expulsion.

Entrance to the construction site - expulsion

As part of the raid, the FMS and the Russian Special Police Force found several foreigners without patents on one of the construction projects. Their presence was documented, but there was no video during the check. Everyone was charged on 18.15 of Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation - which is illegal work, and foreigners were sent to expulsion. The expulsion was canceled. We managed to obtain irrefutable evidence of innocence.

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